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Building Cultural Intelligence with Trisha Carter

Entries in inclusion (2)


What does Courage have to do with Cultural Intelligence?

A few weeks ago I asked, “What do we want to see in future leaders?” acknowledging that the world is changing and leaders are needed who can lead in the new environment.  Then I discovered that the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand, with the help of Deloitte, had given the question an excellent answer. 

Their paper, “Fast Forward:  Leading in a brave new world of diversity” highlights three foundational shifts in the business environment

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A New Year and New Ideas

Christmas over we flew back to Sydney on New Year’s Eve. On the Air New Zealand flight I watched the BBC drama celebrating the life and achievements of Dr Ludwig Guttman.  There are many amazing aspects to this man’s life but the drama focuses on his work at Stoke Mandeville hospital in Britain from 1944.  Here he treated soldiers with spinal cord injury.  

At this time, treatment for such patients involved encasing them in plaster and sedating them.  There was limited chance of people with spinal cord injuries surviving due to the medical “care” they received and those that did were usually left to a life with little hope or purpose.

Ludwig Guttman saw things differently. 

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