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Building Cultural Intelligence with Trisha Carter


Are your expatriates flourishing?

‘Flourish’ – it’s such a great term, and it creates such a vivid picture of well-being! 

Martin Seligman thought so because Flourish is the title he has given to his latest book where he refines his model of positive psychology.  In the new model the focus is not centered on happiness but on well-being.  Happiness has been relegated to one of five elements that contribute to well-being and flourishing.

So what are the five elements? And based on my experience and observations, how do I believe an overseas assignment may impact on them?

Seligman’s five pillars which, he says, support flourishing are; positive emotions (the happiness part), engagement, strong relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.

So, do expats generally experience more happiness/Positive emotions?

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Is it the end of the era of Western expatriate managers?

A recent article in the McKinsey Quarterly by Manpower CEO, Jeffrey A Joerres, argued that the era of the Western expatriate manager is ending. 

Reasons given included the “notoriously bad” cultural adaptation of Western expatriates, the career limitations placed on locals by having expats in senior positions, and a costly dearth of intimate local knowledge.  All are valid reasons.  And all things that nobody in the global mobility industry wants to see.

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How important is travel etiquette?

When you are travelling the world or dealing with people from different cultures, how important is travel etiquette really?  Should we memorize lists for different cultures of dos and don’ts?  Will potential relationships be destroyed if we point inappropriately, use a wrong hand gesture or touch things with our unclean feet, or left hand?

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The house makes a difference in expatriate assignment success

Housing is often seen as a necessary aspect to be arranged for expatriates.  Something to be taken care of quickly so they can then focus on the business needs.   And perhaps you may be thinking the house itself is less important but the location or the size of the house is more important.

Well you would be wrong!

Recent research conducted by Dr Anne Copeland of The Interchange Institute reviewed the links between expatriate housing decisions and aspects such as overall assignment satisfaction, loyalty to employer, decision to continue in the assignment or take another assignment as well as the mental health and well-being of the expatriates.

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Two critical skills and one critical attitude to build cultural intelligence

“How is doing your job here in Australia different to doing your similar job in the UK?”

 I was in a coaching session working with a sales and marketing professional who has relocated from the UK.  His partner was relocated by her company so he is looking for a job here.  To help him get a feel for the market he has taken on a voluntary marketing role which means he is representing a not-for-profit in a B2B marketing and sales capacity. Together we reviewed the differences he was experiencing and assessed his adaptation.

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